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Mix: this word appears six times.

1. Factors affecting promotion mix
2. Promotion mix
3.The Promotion is the fourth element of the marketing mix (Viz. Product, price, place, promotion) which is considered as a mode of communication that business adopts for achieving the specific set of objectives such as:
4. Product mix

Promotion: this word appears fifteen times
1. Kinds of promotion
2. Factors affecting promotion mix
3. Promotion mix
4. The Product promotion
5. The Promotion is the fourth element of the marketing mix (Viz. Product, price, place, promotion) which is considered as a mode of communication that business adopts for achieving the specific set of objectives such as
6. Informative promotion
7. Persuasive promotion
8. Reminder promotion
9.The basic purpose of promotion is to persuade customers to buy and primarily includes three types of sales activity: Advertising, Personal Selling, and Sales Promotion. The importance of product promotion lies.
10. There are several types of promotions such as above line promotions (Advertising, press releases, schemes, discounts, etc.) and below the line promotions (trade discounts, freebies, awards, etc.)

Appear: this word doesn't appears.


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